Monday, May 17, 2010

Important Reminder! - Visual Storytelling!

Please remember that your visual storytelling project is due BEFORE NEXT WEDNESDAY! Please place a comment here letting me know what, if anything, you have done so far, what you will be doing and when you expect to have it photographed/scanned and sent.


  1. hmm...I already did mine picture. I think i will just take a photo and then send it to you with the story.


  2. i haven't started it yet. But i will definitely try to do it and finish it off during this week...sorry :S

  3. im starting the picture, but taking my time. I hope ill finish it off by the weekend, which is when i will finish off the story going with it. :)

    lol my word verification was shool

  4. I've started the... sketch, of the picture, but I'll work on it more this week, and probably finish soon. I'll probably send the picture to you by monday, along with the story.

    -Tatiana T.

  5. I have drawn up a plan But i haven't started the actual drawing yet.

  6. I've gotten a picture, but now I need to do the hard part with the editing. I also still need to do the text part.

  7. I haven't started yet, I'll try and start asap.

    I tried to use photoshop but it got too complex. I'll just draw it and write the essay.

  8. I did nothing so far, although I found a really good picture which i can use as a reference. I will definately start and finish it this weekend.

  9. I've done a few sketches but nothing that is official. ill work on it more when i have time this week, i will deffinitly finish it off at the weekend.

  10. Now i managed to finish my picture. Earlier than expected but all i need to do is write my essay that goes with the picute!

  11. I did a sketch and i will finish the visiual project over the weekend.
    I hope it will be good!!

  12. I've got my plan of what to do all set up, and i've started to consider hand-drawing my picture instead of using photoshop.

    Andrew Graham

  13. i have just finished the plan, need to keep working on the picture- but doing well.

  14. I haven't started making the final picture yet, but I have a detailed plan and I know exactly how to do it so it shouldn't take very long. Hopefully.

  15. i started drawing the picture and I
    have the paragraph about it but
    the picture needs to have more work!
    But it wouldnt be that long i hope.

  16. I'm DONE... But I have to send it. I'll write the paragraph after I do my History and I'll send it and the picture you.
