Thursday, October 29, 2009
Comparison and Contrast
Paragraph 1: Comparison (Similarities between the story and the film)
Paragraph 2: Contrast (Differences between the story and the film)
"There Will Come Soft Rains" - Essay
Have a good long weekend!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ghost Stories!
During this period, please write a short essay comparing and contrasting the two ghost stories we have recently read. Please let your essay take the following form.
Paragraph 1 : Introduction (This should serve as an "opening" in which you mention both titles and both authors.)
Paragraph 2: Discuss the role of spirits/ghosts/spectres in "The Signalman". Try to use as much appropriate direct quotation of the text as you can.
Paragraph 3: Discuss the role of spirits/ghosts/spectres in "How It Happened". Try to use as much appropriate direct quotation of the text as you can.
Paragraph 4: Compare/contrast the role of ghosts in the two stories.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion (Try to find a way of closing that includes summary of your main points.)
"How It Happened"
Paragraph 1: Introduction (Be sure to include title and author here as well as whatever else you find appropriate as an “opening”.)
Paragraph 2: Discussion of the story’s setting (Where? When?)
Paragraph 3: Discussion of the story’s Characters (Who?)
Paragraph 4: Discussion of the story’s Action (What happens? - the plot)
Paragraph 5: Discussion of the story's Style (How does the writer tell the story? For "How It Happened", you will probably want to focus on the way that the author uses foreshadowing, and builds suspense, as well as the way he structures his story and what effects these stylistic choices have.)
Paragraph 6: Discussion of the story’s Ideas (“Themes” – Go ahead and interpret this as you like. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer here. Feel free to refer to the idea of "spiritualism" that we spoke about briefly in class.)
Paragraph 7: Conclusion (Try to include some personal reaction to the story here.)
Though you could, of course, spend a long time writing an essay like this, please try to approach it as though it were an exam question on which you could spend only about 40 minutes to write a full seven paragraphs.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"The Signalman"
When you have finished reading the story “The Signalman”, please write an essay about it in the following form.
Paragraph 1: Introduction (Be sure to include title and author here as well as whatever else you find appropriate as an “opening”.)
Paragraph 2: Discussion of the story’s setting (Where? When?)
Paragraph 3: Discussion of the story’s Characters (Who?)
Paragraph 4: Discussion of the story’s Action (What happens? - the plot)
Paragraph 5: Discussion of the story's Style (How does the writer tell the story? For "The Signalman, you will probably want to focus on the creation of a spooky atmosphere and the building of tension.)
Paragraph 6: Discussion of the story’s Ideas (“Themes” – Go ahead and interpret this as you like. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer here.)
Paragraph 7: Conclusion (Try to include some personal reaction to the story here.)
Though you could, of course, spend a long time writing an essay like this, please try to approach this one as though it were an exam question on which you can spend only about 40 minutes to write a full seven paragraphs.